Saint Mary School
Annual Fund
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. Why an Annual Fund?
A. An Annual Fund at St. Mary School refers to gifts made for the express purpose of helping to enhance the school’s resources.
Q.How are these gifts used?
A.Most Annual Fund gifts are unrestricted, which means that the donor allows the school to determine the areas of the budget that are most in need of funding. Each year, funds raised through the Annual Fund are used to augment the school’s annual budget.
Q.Who supports the St. Mary School Annual Fund?
A.We are reaching out to parents, grandparents, alumni, Our Lady of Peace parishioners, friends and the community around the school who believe in our mission and vision.
Q.What are some of the projects the St. Mary School Annual Fund hopes to support during the 2021-2022 school year?
A.Some of the projects:
* Technology
* Science Lab
*Facility Improvements
*Professional Development for Teachers
Q. What is the difference between philanthropic giving and event sponsorship?
A. A philanthropic gift is an outright gift that is usually 100% tax deductible. Event sponsorship (e.g. auction) is a gift for which the donor receives some kind of benefit. For tax purposes, the value of the benefit must be subtracted from the gift.
Q. Can corporations support the St. Mary School Annual Fund?
A. Yes, Many corporations contribute to independent schools by matching their employees’ gifts. These generous offerings by the companies are important ways of allowing the school to become known throughout the area and also increasing St. Mary School resources.
Q. How important is the Annual Fund to the growth of St. Mary School?
A. Without Annual Funds, the school would be forced to make difficult decisions concerning the additional enhancements to the campus such as the many technological advances, physical plan improvements, etc.
Q. How much Annual Fund support does St. Mary School need?
A. The short answer to this question is a much as possible. Our long term goal is for 100% participation by all alumni and parents. With 100% participation, we will qualify for some state and federal grants that will also go to help improve our school.
Q. How much should I give?
A. Only you can decide that, but please be as generous as you can. Any gift is greatly appreciated.
Please consider joining in one of our gift levels:
Our Lady Society $10,000 and above *
Blue & White $5,000-$9,999 *
Assumption Circle $1,000-$4,999 *
Marian Hall $500-$999 *
Carroll Avenue $250-$499
Crusader $5-$249
* Member of our Fiat Society