Family Friendly Features
St. Mary School
Family Friendly Features
- Faith-based environment with many Liturgical experiences including monthly Masses, prayer services, and opportunity for the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Presence of our Parish priests in school including instruction of our 6th, 7th and 8th grade students in Religion once a week
- Preparation and reception of First Reconciliation and First Communion (2nd grade) and Confirmation (8TH grade)
- Before School Program beginning at 7:15 am and After School Program until 5:30 pm (nominal charge for both)
- Full-service hot lunch program
- Free and reduced lunch program
- Cornerstone Program with on-line grades, report cards, email communication
- Class Jump homework site
- Weekly on-line communication folder
- Email access to all faculty and staff
- Bus transportation provided in 5 local school districts—must file B6T form
- Tuition Assistance —apply on-line through FACTS tuition (see insert)
- School Reach Emergency Contact System
- Monthly safety drills
- Anti-bullying program
- Teacher aides in grades Kindergarten through 2nd grade
- On-site registered nurse (from 8:30 am to 2:30 pm daily)
- On-site certified counselor
- Gloucester County Special Services—Speech/Language services, Compensatory Education, Child Study Team services to those who qualify
- On-line Uniform store—
- Uniform exchange program
- Advanced Math program for grades 6th-8th
- Higher Order Thinking Program (H.O.T) for grades Kindergarten through 8th grade
- Buddy Program with older and younger students
- Awards to 8th grade students at graduation
- Business Office staff available
- Parish Social Worker available to school families
- Youth group Program for grades 3rd through 8th grade